Cakes made to order, classes and more

cake sizes
My standard cakes are about 10-12 cm high. Higher cakes are possible on request, but the number of people or the size will change.
A regular slice of pie (normal size) is suitable for afternoons when the pie is the main dessert and when not much beforeGis eaten.
The party pieces are ideal for weddings, events or other late-night occasions, as people tend to eat less cake/dessert there.
When you order a cake, you will receive an information sheet with cutting instructions to make it easier for you to tailor the cake.
The cake prices are based on the normal cake size.

Structure of the cake
Each cake consists of 4 layers of soaked biscuit and is filled 3 times with a light cream.
If you wish, you can spice up the cake by a thin intermediate layer (e.g. a curd) or an extra can be added to the cream (e.g. pieces of fresh fruit).
Each of my cakes has an outer layer of Swiss meringue buttercream or ganache and can optionally be covered with fondant. You can't omit this layer, as it provides stability and support for the tall cakes.
Create your custom cake, simply select a biscuit, filling and optional extras from the list below.